Add my first Menulist

Creating a menulist on is easy as ABC: It's only about filling a little form in 4/5 tabs: Menu, Places, Dishes, Today's Specials (Premium). These are the information displayes and styled by the Template. You can, at any time, change, edit prices or add dishes to any of your Menulists.

The form: Add a new Menu

The form is divided in 4/5 tabs (PREMIUM users have the Today's specials tabs).

Tab 1 - The Menu

Template: This field displays a list of templates you can choose. You can also use the Templates Galery to easily select the most suitable Template. You can also contact us if you want a custom Template.
Title: Enter a title for this Menu, it can be the name of the restaurant.
Cover: You can, if you wish, choose a cover image for your Menu. Upload or select a JPEG file (jpg/jpeg 500ko max).
Language Flag (PREMIUM): This field is only required if you plan to provide the Menu in various languages wich requires a PREMIUM account.
Contact Form: This feature allows customers to send you an email using a simple basic contact form. If you decide to use this feature, you need to fill in your email address in the next field.
Display my other Menus (PREMIUM): If you have several menus, you can enable this feature to have links to your other menus displayed in the footer.
Social Share: If you enable this option, socail sharing buttons will be displayed in the menu footer (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Linkedin). You can also choos the styling for these buttons: Branded, Classic or Inverted.

Tab 2 - The Place

The place address is displayed on the Menu footer. That address is also used to geolocate the Menu. The postal address is automaticalli geolocated into latitude and longitude, so it will eventualy, if you wish to, be included inour upcoming geolocated web index for quality restaurants.

Logo: Vous pouvez choisir un logo pour vos carte. Choisissez de préférence un fichier PNG24 avec fond transparent mais les JPG/JPEG sont aussi supportés. (500ko max.)
Adress: Postal address, number and street name
City: city of the restaurant
Zip Code: zip code of the restaurant
Country: country of the restaurant
Telephone: Phone number of the restaurant
Waiter's mobile: You can allow your customers to call the waiter directly or to order mentioning their table number etc...
Wen Site: Restaurant web site
Facebook Page: Restaurant Facebook Page
Tripadvisor Page: Restaurant Tripadvisor page

Tab 3 - Dishes

The Dishes section is dynamic. This means you can add as many items as you wish. This part of the Menulist is devided in SECTIONS (ex: Main Dishes) , SUB-SECTIONS (Pastas) et DISHES. Each of these 3 items can be added, removed, moved without limitation!
Introduction: introduction text for the dishes list

For each SECTION
- -> Section Title
- -> Section Description
- -> For each SUB-SECTION
- - - -> Sub-section Title
- - - -> DISH
- - - -> for each dish
- - - - - -> Sku: unique dish reference
- - - - - -> Dish: dish name
- - - - - -> Dish description: Short dish description, main ingredients
- - - - - -> Dish price: do not include the currency symbol

Conclusion: Conclusion text for the dishes list

Tab 4 - Today's spacials (Premium)

This part is only available to PREMIUM users. It allows you to set a different Today's Special dish for each of the 7 weekdays. That dish will be featured on its specific weekday.
Today's Special Title: You can set a specific label for your Today's Special items (Today's special, Chief's selection...)

And for each of the 7 weekdays, you set a dish:
Sku: Unique dish reference
Dish: Dish name
Dish Description: Short dish description, main ingredients
Dish price: do not include currency symbol
Photo: You can also upload a dish picture. (Jpg, jpeg or png square image file, 500ko max.)

Tab 5 - Advanced

This part is about more technical but still required settings about price or QR-Code.
Currency Code: Currency code for the price of the menulist
Currency Symbol: Currency Symbol to add to the menulist prices (€, $ ...)
Symbol position: Depending on the currency, symbol position is before (USD, YEN...) or after (EUR...) the price
Decimals separator: Depending on on the currency, the decimal separator is a dot or a comma
Decimals: According to the currency, decimals quantity is different(2 for Euro or USDollar).

QR-Code Background color: Default color is white (#ffffff).
QR-Code Foreground Color: Default color is black (#000000).
QR-Code Logo(PREMIUM): PREMIUM users can include a logo in the middle of the QR-Code without altering the scanability.

Translation Shared Reference Key : This field is automaticaly filled in. If you wish to translate a Menu into a different language, you need to create a new menu or duplicate an exisiting one and make sure both share the same Translation Shared Reference Key and have different Language Flags.
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